6 Stages Of A Construction Project: From simplest to the most complex stage of a construction project, there are six important steps that need to be followed for a successful outcome. Construction projects may differ based on the budget, the number of stakeholders, their size, and delivery time. A residential construction in Pakistan is a time taken and demanding process.

The good news is that now the management of the different project phases can be done much easier and higher precision with the continuous progress of digital solutions. On top of that, from the field the collection of valuable data can play a determining role in improving, and standardizing the construction process for upcoming projects. Following are the six stages of a project in construction.

The Conception Of The Project

The conception of the project normally starts with the client. This is where the hope begins and the exploration for the best location.

The conception stage might differ, depending on the project and how imminent is the need for the completion of the project.

During this stage usually construction workers do not have much input, as the ball is still in the hands of the project owner.


After the fulfillment of a project, it’s time to talk about design. At this stage nothing is guaranteed because this is still a preliminary stage. However, design is the stage where usually the process of bidding begins.

There are four steps in design stage, programming and feasibility, schematic design, design development, and contract documents.

The objectives and goals of the project has to be outlined during the first step. At this stage, different decisions are made, such as how much space will be used, how large the building will be, and how many rooms will be needed.

Schematic design will show the materials, place, colors, and even finish. This is actually a drawing that will be used in the design development stage to investigate the needed equipment, the cost of the equipment and the materials being used.

When the documents of the contract are drawn up, each and everything is going to being finalized, as they include the final sketch and specifications. In the construction field these documents are used by those placing bids to work on the project.

The Pre-Construction Stage

The pre-construction stage starts with the completion of bidding and when the contractor has been selected to do the work. After that, the project team is put together for the task to prepare the construction site. It consists of different specialties as a rule:

Contract administrator

Project manager


Field engineer

Health and safety manager

Completion of examination is done by the project team by visiting the field with the contractor. It helps the team to expose or anticipate any environmental challenges that might appear in the building process. The important part if this step is also Soil testing.

After collection of all informations, city authorities reviewed all plans and findings. All concerns and opinions should be heard and addressed why it is usually a long procedure.

The Procurement Stage

Now for the project team it’s time to order and obtain materials, workforce, and equipment. This stage can be challenging and complex depending on the project size, the available equipment and the project start date.

Some large construction companies have their own procurement departments from where they easily order laborers, equipment and materials for a number of projects.

This task is generally performed by general contractor but sometimes subcontractors will be charged for certain areas. The subcontractors may be responsible for hiring workers or obtaining their own materials so that they know what they exactly need to complete their tasks.

The Construction Stage

A pre-construction meeting is done before the construction work starts to make sure that everyone is on the same page when the construction starts. This meeting includes information about how to access the site, the project quality control, how to store material and were, and the working hours.

When the meeting is off and there are no recurring queries, the important step of the project can begin. At this point, the objective is to plan everything carefully.

While planning your construction project, use different types of digital solution to avoid hazards.

The Post-Construction Stage

Now that all the work will come to close soon and the project has been completed.

But there are also some steps that need to be done before the building keys can be handed over.

The post-construction stage of the construction project is further divided into three steps:

1. New Construction Building Commissioning

An inspection of the complete building needs to be done. These inspections are fairly simple to pass if anything is done correctly.

The reason is that during the whole project other inspections should have already been completed.

2. Owner Occupancy

Now the owner can take over the building. This is when the warranty period starts. The owner of the project can feel safe in that way that there is enough time to check all materials and equipment that have been installed.

In construction there are three main types of warranty:

Express warranty.

Implied warranty.

Statutory warranty.

3. Closure

In the long process of designing and completing a construction project, this is the final step. The team of the construction project has to overall contractual agreements and ensure that the project is free from any type of legal burden.