What Is Solar Energy & How Do Solar Panels Work? Solar energy works by capturing the energy of the sun and turning it into electricity for your commercial or residential use. On Earth, it is a rich energy resource.

As we all know the sun is a natural nuclear reactor. It releases photons, small packets of energy, which travel in about 8.5 minutes covering the distance of 93 million miles from the sun to earth. After an hour, sufficient photons affect our planet to make sufficient solar energy to theoretically satisfy the need for energy for a whole year.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panel works by allowing photons, to hit electron from atoms, generating a flow of electricity. If conductors are attached to the both sides of a cell, negative and positive, it form an electric circuit. When electrons move through a circuit, they produce electricity. Actually solar panels comprises of many multiple panels and they can be wired together to form a solar array.

What Are Solar Panels Made Of?

Solar panels actually consist of various small units known as photovoltaic cells. Solar cells are made up of silicon. They are built with both negative layer and positive layer, which make an electric field together, like in a battery.

How Do Solar Panels Produce Electricity?

Direct current (DC) electricity generate from PV solar panels. Electrons flow in same direction around a circuit with direct current electricity. How a battery powering a light bulb? Through the lamp, the electrons move from the negative side of battery, and come back to the positive side of the battery.

With alternating current (AC) electricity, electrons move in periodically reversing direction, like a car’s engine cylinder. When a coil of wire is spun nest to magnet, generators produce AC electricity.

What Does A Solar Inverter Do?

It takes the direct current from the solar array and use that to make AC electricity. Inverter are like the system’s brain. They provide ground fault protection and system stats along with inverting DC to AC power, including energy production and maximum power point tracking, voltage and current on AC and DC circuit.

For the start, the central inverter has influence solar services. In the PV industry, the introduction of the microinverter is advanced technology. Micro-inverters optimize for solar panels of every individual. This allows every solar panel to do at maximum potential. When we used, having an issue on one solar panel can drag down the performance of the whole solar array. Micro-inverters make this a non-issue. In case if one solar panel has a problem, the remaining solar array performs accurately.

How Does A Solar Panel System Work?

How a solar system implementation works. On the roof, sunlight strikes a solar panel. The panels transform the energy to direct current, which moves to an inverter. The electricity was converted from direct current to alternating current with the help of an inverter.

But, what happens at daylight hours when you are not at home to use the electricity your solar panels are producing? And what happens when your solar system is not generating power at night in real time? Don’t worry, you benefit by a system called “net metering”

During sunny days, a typical grid-tied PV system generates more energy than customer needs, so that excess energy is fed back into the grid for use. For the excess energy produces, the customers get credit and can use that credit to draw from the conventional grid at cloudy days. A net meter helps to records the sent energy compared to the received energy from the grid.